Depression is not an illness.

It is a time of suffering and if handled with respect and sensitivity it will be a time of growth.

The purpose of this web site is to provide information on Sandplay prompted by the many occasions on which friends, acquaintances and work colleagues ask me about this topic. I also hope that this site will serve to promote the idea of that most important journey, the inner journey, and as information for those who might consider using Sandplay for that journey.

For this reason the description offered below is for the “layman”, non psychologist, and non therapist: but I am happy if it can be useful for those interested in the psyche in a professional way also and would be happy to hear feedback from anyone. My name is Brendan Harding, I  am a practicing general surgeon and a Sandplay therapist and encountered Sandplay 16 years ago.

The exploration of my own unconscious helped me to understand my own frailty and woundedness and for me was a very exciting journey. I now work as a Sandplay therapist helping people with personal  development, and clients with depression and other emotional problems. I am also privileged to be able to  bring some of my surgical patients to Sandplay. These are patients who wish to explore the unconscious reasons why they have become ill or patients who are dying or patients for whom emotional healing is the answer to their physical problems.

Dr Brendan Harding